Fluffy Cloud Egg


Today, I have maybe not the most practical of breakfast/brunch dishes, but most certainly one that will wow your guest: the cloud egg. This dish is in line with current season trends of sherpa and comfy loungewear and makes an excellent companion to the japanese fluffy pancake and dalgona coffee. Let’s get to it!!

The fluff component of this egg is exact to its fluffy breakfast food cousins. I first separated the yolk from the white. In a creme brulee dish, I beat the egg white with a whisk until I formed stiff peaks. Keep in mind, this may take up to 15 minutes depending on how fast/hard you can whip. In a hot pan with oil, add your egg white and place the yolk on top. You are essentially going to fry the egg and steam the top. I seasoned with garlic powder, smoked paprika, crushed red pepper, and scallion before adding some water and lidding the pan. I like a bit of a runny yolk so I allowed the top to remain a little orange. Voila! Serve on toast or in all its glory (:
