Quarantine Activities: Pothos Plant Propogation


In this quarantine series, I have a ton of fun at-home self-isolated DIY activities that will hopefully make social distancing a little more productive/rewarding/aesthetic. All craft materials can be found online so no need to scour the store for these items (though I highly doubt they’ll be the top of most people’s quarantine grocery list). If you have one, grab your isolation buddy/roommate and let’s get crafty (:

Spring quietly entered the scene this March and I didn’t even realize it. Now is the perfect time to propagate your plants, AKA basically make some free new plant babies for your collection. Quite honestly, this isn’t something that is too hard to figure out given that mama nature does this naturally. I am choosing to propagate some pothos because those are one of the easiest/most resilient plants to make cuttings from. I’ve written a previous blog post about friendship plants here.

Tips & Tricks

  • pick a hanging end that seems to have new growth as this indicates that the growth hormone is already running through the plant

  • cut below a node, but leave enough stem to sit in water

  • reduce stress on the new cutting by placing in a shady area with indirect sunlight

  • when the pothos begins to root, place in soil as soon as possible. the cutting will get used to whatever medium it started in so the longer it stays in water, the harder it will be to transition to soil. however, rooting in water is useful for seeing when the roots begin to form (and it’s more fun!)
